Thursday, November 23, 2017

Remembering a dark day..

Does not seem possible that 54 years has passed since the day

John F. Kennedy was killed in Dallas.  As an 8th grader sitting

in a study hall in the school library, I was stunned like everyone

else when the announcement came over the loud speaker that

the president had been shot during a motorcade.

And almost six decades later.... the questions continue to

linger.  Did Oswald act alone?  Were there other shooters involved?

Was it a Cuban plot via Russia to eliminate Kennedy?

After so many investigations and new theories that have come

forward....the answer(s) are still elusive.

Oswald was even exhumated a few years ago to re-examine the

body....not sure what they were looking for... just making sure

it was definitely him in that grave I guess.

There were questions regarding Kennedy's autopsy...movement

of the body from place to place and so on.  More questions

than explanations.  I think that Oswald probably acted alone,

but you can probably find another 100 conclusions on the

web contrary to that.  So I guess maybe we will never know

for certain what happened on that November 22nd.  It is part

of history....and it feels weird just knowing I was on the planet

when it happened.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

In the top 5 of 3 categories now...

Author Bookstand, the store of my publlsher Book Stand Publishing of California
has my book listed in the top tier of 3 different categories right now, so I am
more than pleased! And they are anxiously awaiting to help me with the new
short story book which is being worked on as we speak. 

Author Bookstand features a wide selection of books by some of today's best indie authors.   Our mission is to be the world's best destination for readers seeking new authors and new ideas.  We want to foster a culture that promotes reading and connects readers with the books they love. 

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Make someone's day...

Here's wishing all of you out there a thankful Thanksgiving.

If you happen to be alone this week, or know someone who

is alone, go visit with something in hand. You'll make them feel

good, and God will bless you for it, and your act of kindness will

come back to you ten fold. Promise.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Charlie is gone...

Well after almost 60 years of confinement, the notorious

master mind of 7 deaths in 1969 has left the planet.

Charles Manson, age 83, has gone on to meet his maker

this week. I remember the headlines in that year when he

and his occult followers murdered 7 innocent people.

Manson had admirers, even in prison, and one woman

wanted to marry him, but that never happened.  He was

a charismatic 'leader' of his group, roaming with them

in and around California. Manson said he never actually

did any of the killing himself, he only 'supervised' it.

We should think about the families this week of those

who were killed...they have relief now, knowing that

this evil person is no longer around.

What will happen to him? California corrections says

he has no known family. If no one comes forward to

claim his body...usually after ten days.. then the state

can either bury or cremate the body by a court order.

I expect they might keep Charlie around a little longer

just in case.... but we shall see.  Usually when someone

this infamous passes.. they want to keep the final

disposition very secret...even sometimes making a

burial in the middle of the night in a pauper's cemetery.

It still happens... even in 2017. 

Sunday, November 12, 2017

My UK undertaker....

Pictured is Peter Abraham, an undertaker in Bristol, UK, about 115
miles west of London....he just received the book I sent him...he's 
an avid reader and blogger also; his writings are at-- confessions of an
undertaker... he's a pretty cool cat.. I think  we'll have a long lasting
relationship. Sales of my book are very strong in the UK.

Friday, November 10, 2017

Pleased to announce...

My publisher Bookstand Publishing of California has
now listed me in the top five spot of their best
selling new indie authors with my book
Undertakings of an Undertaker, true stories of being
laid to rest, and no. 1 in their essays and short stories
category. Wowser.

I am both amazed and thrilled about the listing on
their web site! I know sales have been strong on
Amazon, both print and Kindle, and Kindle UK.

I thank Andy at Bookstand for all the help and
support, and now I'm most anxious to finish up
my short story book which is now being
edited in South Carolina as we speak... more
about that coming up!

And you, my loyal friends and readers are why
this has all transpired for me, and I thank you
a thousand times over!

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Paper v.s. electronic?

In the writing business today, one must consider so many
things in order to be successful; your audience, their gender,
their age, where do they live? The questions are endless,
making the answers sometimes quite evasive.

Although the electronic books such as Kindle have a huge
following, I've discovered that a whole bunch of people
still like to have a physical book in their hand. One that
they can dog ear if they want, put in their back pocket
if they would like, put in a library or stack to pull out
at their convenience.

It seems that the electronic books just aren't as versatile.
Most people over 50 I've surveyed still like the physical
book....they were brought up with that book...and it is
hard to change old habits.

Remember as a kid in school, each week you could order
paperbacks? You would put your order in.. some were
just 50 cents, others 75 cents... then you'd wait anxiously
for those books to come to school... wow... then they
would hand out the book or two you ordered... you would
rush home to read it.. those were great days indeed..
I've found that people are still enchanted with having a
book in their hands... it is magical for sure.

A guy in South Carolina who is editing my new short
story book agrees one hundred percent with me.
And so, this book will be the old paperback style,
about 4 1/2 in. by 7 inches. The font will be a little
bigger for easier reading. It won't be fancy... a few
self drawn images among the 27 stories it will contain.

It is exciting. So we are moving ahead with this little
book I know you will enjoy. As the weeks move on,
we'll post more about it, it's release date and
we'll preview what's inside.  Stay tuned, that feel
of a little book in your pocket will again make
you smile.

Saturday, November 4, 2017

On air in L.A......

Can't believe it's been two years plus, since the book Undertakings
was released.....and with it some exciting times indeed.

If you missed it the first time is a link below to
a conversation with Sam and Jen, Morning L.A......

...had a great conversation with them, and had tremendous
feedback from the interview. 

Once you copy and paste it in your browser.. it will take you
to the interview....then you can advance the time clock to
13:55... that's where my conversation starts!
The link is:

Will be back on the air with them once the new short story
book is released I'm sure!

Coming up...

Well, it's been an interesting year... and a very busy one indeed.
For my regular followers, and hopefully some new ones as well,
I'll soon be publishing, maybe before year No. 2; a
collection of twenty seven  short stories that I've written in the
last year and one half.

I was originally thinking about doing just an electronic
book, i.e. Kindle on Amazon, but decided that I again want
an actual book you can pick up, read, book mark and put
 under your pillow. It will be of small size, the old paperback
version about 5" by 7" with bigger print for older eyes like that's the plan as of right now.

So my editor in North Carolina is working on my short
story book as we speak, and with any luck at all...I'm hoping
it will be published and marketable in a few short weeks...

This will be in advance of my western novel which I
hope will be done by spring... that has been and continues
to be 'one whale' of a job' !!!

So stay tuned. If you like mystery, scary, and the
unusual, you will like my new short story book;

                       Tales Unleashed.

You'll be seeing more about it soon and........ in the
meantime, pass this along to those you know...

You've all been incredible and loyal in the reading and
following of Undertakings of an Undertaker published
in 2015, and I thank all of you so so much.

So watch for the details in the weeks ahead...and
my best to you all for the holidays.