Monday, December 24, 2018

A Rose in the cemetery...

It was a cold morning, February 14th.....Bill Clawson grabbed

his old Konica camera and headed out of his Jeep and into the

Hendricks cemetery.

Bill loved going to this particular cemetery at first light as it

offered some outstanding scenes to capture, and he hoped

today would be no different. 

What Bill didn't expect to find was a young woman who

startled him upon his early entrance just inside the gate.

Bill was soon to discover that today's photo shoot would be

like none he had experienced before....

Come join Bill in his early morning photo outing in the

story; 'Rose in the cemetery', one of the twenty eight

chilling stories in Tales Unleashed, the new short story

book coming soon.

It might make you think twice about venturing out at

first light into such a tranquil and desolate spot.

Tales Unleashed, coming very soon.  SS 

Saturday, December 22, 2018

May the joy of Christmas....

be with each and everyone of you this week.  Take the time to

enjoy your family and friends, and maybe give a call to someone

who might be alone this week, or possibly in an adult care home.

Let's pray for a peaceful 2019. These are interesting and

challenging times, and we all need to lend a hand to our local,

state, and national leaders as they take on the business of the

new year.

Stay safe, sane and be happy.  Very soon, we'll be promoting the

new book Tales Unleashed here, so be ready for it... I know you

will enjoy the read.  SS

You can reach me anytime at;

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Dr. Thomas Holmes...the embalmer

Many people ask me during my presentations about the art of

embalming and how it came about in the U.S.

Embalming actually started with the Egyptians as you know...

they spent days and sometimes weeks preparing a body for was a lengthy and precise process.

The 'father of embalming' in the U.S. has been credited to

Dr. Thomas Holmes. Holmes developed most of the

embalming procedures which are still used today. He

experimented with many different chemicals and actually did

embalming near the battlefield where soldiers were killed

during the civil war.  One still photograph here depicts what

an 'embalming' station actually looked like near those

battle fields. Because of his embalming, hundreds and thousands

of men killed could be sent home for burial in their local

communities. Most of those early fluids were banned many

years ago as they contained very dangerous chemicals like

lead, arsenic, mercury and zinc. So thanks to Dr. Holmes

for the art and science of embalming. Although fewer

people are choosing embalming today, those who do select it

owe a debt of gratitude for his work out in the field.

It's a most interesting facet of the funeral industry. 

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Here's the list of stories...

I've been asked by many many people to list what is going to

be in the new short story book Tales Unleashed....with it's

release scheduled for January the 3rd, I thought I would put

up the list of the stories that will be in it, they are below;

Crow, keeper of the gate...
House upon the hill...
A walk in fog and time...
Mason' mark...
Harry's lost airplane...
A night to remember...
Reflection at the Ardmour...
The Reading...
Grandmother's attic...
A brief stop at level two...
The haunted belfry...
Discovering Dr. John...
A hunter's panic...
A very close encounter...
The lantern...
Fortune tellers' marble...
The pumkin weeps...
The letter...
Ole man Crenshaw's place...
The conductor's watch...
Jimmy's night time visitor...
Candle in the window...
Jessie's find...
A skate on strange ice...
Lost at the drive-in..
Rose in the cemetery...
Billie's touch with the past...
The forgotten chimney...

I've had so much fun creating these stories, and I know
you will enjoy this little paperback when it comes out....
I'll be sharing the front and back covers with you... which
should be to me any day now!
Also, I would love to hear from you out there, please drop
me a line anytime at :
and I'll note you back! SS

Friday, December 14, 2018

Just when you thought...

you had seen everything before.....couldn't find any of my

Christmas bubble light strings, so this year... something

totally unique.....putting up my very collectible Universal

Monster Creature from the Black Lagoon lights....

proving once again, that even 'creatures' can enjoy and

celebrate Christmas...

And of course it does fit right in to my theme here at

Stanley Swan's Undertakings....a bit off center, but I

thought you'd find it entertaining... now I'll wait for the have a safe holiday all.. and

remember, Tales Unleashed is 'unleashed' the first

week of January!  SS  (scroll down)

Friday, December 7, 2018

Four weeks and counting...

Within a short amount of time, approx. four weeks,

Book Stand Publishing of Morgan Hill, California will

announce the release and publication of my new short

story book Tales Unleashed.

It's a pocket sized paper the ones you used to

buy as a kid....and you'll jump into 28 short stories I've

created to entertain you....and give you a few chills as


They are putting the finishing touches on the book as

we speak...and the cover will be here soon for me to

share.  January 3rd is the date... and I can't wait to share

it with you and my followers in the UK, Canada,

Australia and stay tuned....and think

2019... a new year of opportunity, renewal and exciting

challenges!   SS

Monday, December 3, 2018

Thank you George H.W. Bush...

President George H.W. Bush's service dog Sully stays with his masters

casket before it departs for Washington D.C. Thank you Mr. President,

you taught us all humility, grace, compassion, wisdom and love for each other..

you were indeed a shining example for us in peace Sir.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

The book's front cover photo

 Happy to announce today that my publisher Book Stand Publishing

 has chosen one of many many pictures I submitted to them for the front

 cover of my new short story book Tales Unleashed, and it's from the

 Five Corners appropriate is that! This was the little

cemetery just fifty yards from where myself, two brothers and a sister

use to play in from time to time as kids. At least two generations of

the Swans are buried there. I'm very pleased they selected this photo...

it will make Tales Unleashed even more special to me.  

They are working on the cover and back cover now and I'll share it here

 when it's completed. Tales Unleashed is destined for release on January 3rd.

Friday, November 23, 2018

Did he live in a time past?

Billy Anderson was a young man who kept having a recurring

dream about an accident that he had been involved with.....

not just a few weeks or years ago, but actually several

decades ago.

And now a new injury on the swing-set would puzzle everyone,

including his doctor, his mother, and Billy himself.

Time and space is a complicated realm we all live in.....

the mind and the body are inter-woven into a very complex

puzzle which we may not have all the answers for.

Read about Billy's touch with the past in the new book

Tales Unleashed....coming out in a few short weeks.

It may challenge you to re-think about where you are now...

and perhaps, where you might have been a long time ago.

Friday, November 2, 2018

It was February, 1954....

On a bright sunny day in the month of February, nine year old

Julie VanBuren would go on an ice skate that she would most

likely never forget.....

The image that appeared beneath the ice where she stood would lead her

mother to a search of historical records in and around  Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

McHenry creek had witnessed a tragedy...and now a visitor.

The chill that was felt that day would not be warmed by the bright

sunshine, it would only become more intense as the days passed.

You see, Julie's encounter that day on McHenry creek was one that

had been encountered by others before her.

It's a story you won't want to miss.

It's chapter 24 in the new book, Tales Unleashed, coming in a few weeks

from Book Stand Publishing....the projected release date is now

January 3rd, 2019!

Monday, October 29, 2018

The one and only Karen....

It was a stock photograph that’s used by most

record companies…a posed black and white photo

on gloss finished stock, centered over the

A&M Records logo. They were produced by the

thousands and given away at concerts, sent out

in the mail, used in promotions.

In 1976 while at WINR in Binghamton I was

completely intoxicated by one Karen Carpenter.

I had played her songs on the air for many

years, and our station at one time had thought

about trying to have her and brother Richard

do a concert at the Broome County arena.

We had in the past had some big names; Dion,

Danny and the Juniors, Chubby Checker, the

Shirelles, just to name a few.

So then we reached out to the Carpenters and

their agents to see about availability. I’m

not sure I remember all the details, but I do

remember it just couldn’t be arranged…it was

I’m sure a combination of money and maybe the

size of the venue, etc.

A few weeks later I received an 8 by 11 inch brown

mailer addressed to me from California.

Hastily opening it before going on the air at

10:00 a.m. to do my show, I removed what felt

like a photograph wrapped in tissue paper.

Gently removing the paper, I saw her gazing

at me, straight on. I quickly scanned the

photo of Karen, my eyes quickly darting to

the upper right hand corner and the note saying,

“Stan, thanks for playing my music, Karen”

You could have pushed me over with a feather.

I still get chills to this day thinking of that

great gift the mailman had brought me that week.

I indeed had a huge crush on her, no doubt about


And I have searched for that photograph for years

now, to no avail. Maybe someday it will turn up..

at least I’m hoping for such.

Eight years later, in February of 1983, we lost

Karen Carpenter at age 32. I was crushed. I felt

like I had lost a member of my family. And to be

very honest, I’m still haunted by her.. every time

I hear one of her songs…that crisp, clear perfect

voice, singing her songs with such meaning and

eloquence. I don’t really think there will be

another Karen Carpenter. And I think her brother

Richard who performed with her would echo my


So here’s to you Karen. We all miss you, your

voice, your music. Thank you for your music

and I was so humbled to broadcast it for so

many people to enjoy. Sleep well.


Thursday, October 25, 2018

It's Halloween...

One of the best times of the year for some good story telling...and

walking down a country road at twilight with a full moon hanging

in the sky.

I have several good tales that I have written and could relate to you

here...but I think I'll just tease you a bit, because before too awfully

long they will appear in my new book Tales Unleashed.

Twenty eight stories, and a few pencil drawings that I think will

captivate your imagination...and hopefully give you a couple

of goose bumps.......

So, until I get back to you here...stay safe during that chilling night

and week that's approaching. And remember, when you hear that

rap at the could be just me, coming to do a little

trick or treating.....or, maybe no one will be there when you

answer the door. Either way, it will make you look twice.!

Oh, by the way case you missed the post of my visit to

the grave of Twilight Zone creator and writer Rod Serling...

you can still read it...just scroll down a page or two.  It was

a very cool visit indeed!

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Final disposition of ashes (cremains).....

At all of my presentations, I'm always asked by folks in attendance about

the final disposition of ashes (cremains). 

The crematory processes your loved one's remains and encases them in a

plastic bag with a twist tie, and then inserts them usually into a hard plastic

box with a lid that snaps shut. This is how they are usually returned to

the funeral home that handled the death for the family.  However... if you

purchase an urn at the time of arrangements...many times that urn can be

sent to the crematory with the body.. and the cremains can be loaded

directly into the urn... saving that extra step of removing from the plastic

box and loading the urn at the funeral home.  And many times, families

will purchase what they call 'keepsakes'....small containers the size of

your fist. Sometimes a family will want to split cremains up and often

times will want two, three or four keepsakes filled with cremains. 

Keep in mind that the average body will produce about one to one and

one half quarts of cremains... so there is quite a bit there to deal with.

In New York State... when a person is cremated, the death certificate will

list the crematory as the place of disposition.... not a cemetery you have

in mind. NYS considers the crematory the final resting place... no matter

what happens to the cremains after they leave their property.

There is a certificate of cremation which is sent back with the cremains.

That certificate must accompany the urn or box of cremains if they are

to be buried in a formal cemetery setting. 

Yes, lot's of questions about cremation. Do not be afraid to ask your

local funeral director if you have other questions... many times he can

give the details right over the phone, saving a trip to his establishment.

My motto: it's always best to find out ahead of, pick up that

phone and give him or her a jingle, your director is anxious to be of

help to you! 

Thanks for the article...

Want to thank Jasmine Willis of the Genesee Country Express for attending

my presentation ten days ago in Wayland. You can read the article at the

following link:

Next presentations:

Cohocton Library on the 20th and the Andover Historical Society

on Tuesday, Oct. 23rd!

Sunday, September 30, 2018

On outer burial containers..

A lot of people want to know the differences between outer containers
that would house a casket upon it's burial. 

The majority of cemeteries now require some type of container to put
the casket in. is the difference.

First, the concrete box or chest as it most frequently called.
The chest is basically just a concrete box with a lid that is placed
on it after the casket is lowered into it. It may have a slight 'groove' on
the chest where the lid rests. However, on most chests there is no
sealant or gasket of any kind placed between the two pieces...
the result....if the grave is wet or in a place under ground water is
present.. there is a chance water could enter the unit and enshroud
the casket. And, once water enters the unit, there is no way for it
to escape. So: the chest's main purpose is to protect the casket
from crushing by the earth when the grave is back filled... and also
keeps from crushing the casket over the years as the ground settles
or other work is done near the grave site by cemetery workers with
tractors etc. 

Second; the burial vault. The burial vault usually refers to a concrete
or steel burial unit that has at least a lining of some type inside the
concrete...and some type of sealant material between the unit and
the cover itself... once the lid is lowered into it's 'tounge and groove'...
the sealant is pushed out...closing the gap. Most burial vault companies
have guarantees on their burial vaults, saying they will not allow
any water into the unit to damage and casket and the body.
I've found out over the years... most people want to have a good
vault. Most people want their loved one's bodies protected, and the
casket that the body is in.

I have done a few exhumations over the years, and have found that
the burial vault is the best buy by far.

Your local funeral director can help you pick out the right
container for your families needs.. and will show you the
features of both. 

This is just one of the many questions I get asked when I go out to
do a presentation on the book, Undertakings. Hope this has helped
you to some degree!

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

A huge, huge audience...

600,000.....the average listening audience of the Thursday night program

Writers' Block on L.A. Talk Radio.....

Can't wait to be on the air with these folks...the program is at

10 p.m. Eastern, 7:00 p.m. Pacific...and you can log on and

listen to it live.

Looking forward to speaking with Jim Christina and his co-host

for the night...hope you'll join us as well!

You can copy and paste the web address below:

And if you missed my 'visit' with Rod Serling two weeks ago...

scroll down for the was an incredible trip to

Interlaken, N.Y. 

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Visiting Rod Serling.....

I'd been planning the trip for sometime hour and one half from Loon
Lake here in Cohocton....but the drive was well worth the discovery.

Rod Serling's grave site in Interlaken, N.Y.  was an experience, let me tell you.

When I was a mile out, the anticipation grew, I was hoping I would not have
difficulty finding the spot, but the map I had spelled out the location pretty

Driving thru the gate and meandering thru to section G reminded me of many
funerals I have had over the years....the quiet, the peaceful surroundings...
being anxious to get to the right place.  The last turn to section G where he
is buried had some pretty good washouts, but my car handled them easily,
and I pulled over and parked. Grabbing my camera and tripod, I headed up
the slight incline to where the map indicated where he rested....

I found rows of markers with death dates of the 90s', then the 80's...then
I hit the 70's and I knew I was very very close.  Within thirty feet, a grave
that looked a little 'busy' with things around the stone jumped out at me.

As I walked up to the the grave, I was actually overwhelmed.  Here he was.
Rod Serling, master of the short story, creator of the world famous
Twilight Zone, followed by Night Gallery. Wow. I was finally here.

I had followed him and Alfred Hitchcock for years...enjoying their stories
and most of all, their surprise endings to their stories. I have mentioned both
writers on the back cover of my new book Tales Unleashed coming out this

As I knelt down to inspect Rod's simple 12 by 24 grave marker...I could tell
that he has not been forgotten. Many who traveled here before me left little
tokens, coins, photographs of Rod.  It's so pleasurable to know that others
have made the journey here before me... just to experience this guy and
the talent that he had. But what a short life, just 50. How much more could
he have written if he had lived to 70, 80 and beyond?

A flag also was present..he served in the Army, WW2. He had received
several medals during service in the Pacific. 

So in the quiet, I sat my tripod, took some photos, spoke a few words to
this man, thanking him for his stories, in inspirations, and for his service
to the country. 
Wikipedia has an excellent long biography of Rod. You should go there
sometime and read it. He had many

many talents indeed.

As you know, Serling was a big smoker...the following explained that
and his death:

Serling was said to smoke 3-4 packs of cigarettes a day. On May 3, 1975, he had a minor heart attack and was hospitalized. He spent two weeks at Tompkins County Community Hospital before being released. A second heart attack two weeks later forced doctors to agree that open-heart surgery, though considered risky at the time, was in order. The ten-hour-long procedure was performed on June 26, but Serling had a third heart attack on the operating table and died two days later at Strong Memorial Hospital in Rochester, New York. He was 50 years old. His funeral and burial took place on July 2 at Lake View Cemetery, Interlaken, (Seneca County), New York.

His grave site is easy to find, and is lot G, plot 1044. He has a simple 12” by 24” headstone.
Contributing factors to his early death included the fact that he was a very heavy smoker,
his favorite being Chesterfield ‘long’ cigarettes. He endorsed the brand and was rarely seen

without a cigarette in his hand, even while introducing some of his TV episodes. 

I wasn't at his grave site too awfully long. I almost felt like an intruder into this
space, a quiet and serene could here a pin drop. 
Thanks Rod. Perhaps I'll go back there another day. If you find yourself in the
Fingerlakes of New York, direct your car to that gate. It's a place that is indeed
where your imagination can abound, where time itself slows to a's
a place where the Twilight Zone has come to rest. SS

Tuesday, September 11, 2018


Today, Sept. 11th, we remember the almost 3,000 people who lost their
lives in the attacks on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon, and those
lost diverting flight 93 into a field in remote Pennsylvania.

May they all rest in peace. It's hard to believe it was 17 years ago on
such a beautiful September morning that the attacks occurred.

Monday, September 10, 2018

More and more abandoned cemeteries...

It's a shame, but each year more and more cemeteries around the country are being

abandoned.  There are several reasons for it. Many cities and towns just don't have the

money or the man power to keep them up. Mowing, clearing brush, re-setting stones

that have toppled because of weather, age and/or vandalism takes time and money.  

Especially this is becoming epidemic in rural areas around the country. Few young

people want to 'step up' to help in maintaining the final resting place for those who

have gone before.  Maybe we should collectively start a new national campaign or

group to address the problem.. what do you think?  Is there an abandoned cemetery

or two near where you live?  You can leave a comment below if you wish, I'd love

to hear from you.  The picture above is of the Bayside-Acacia Cemetery in Queens.

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Already two years ago..

Wow. Where does the time go? It's amazing, truly amazing indeed.

Wasn't the fourth of July like yesterday? Speaking of amazing...

below is a repeat of a broadcast I did with Ron Hood, host of

Ron's Amazing Stories....and if you didn't hear it when it was

first broadcast, it's still out there on the web...I've put the link

here, you can copy and paste it into your browser and give a


Coming up in about 3 weeks! a return to LA Talk Radio and the

Writers Block program...I'll post the link here and you can listen

to it live's Thurs. eve Sept. 27th...10 p.m. Eastern time....

Should have fun with that one, it has 3 hosts! 

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Going out in style...and why not?

(1 of 5) Vincent Street wipes down the casket of legendary singer Aretha Franklin at the Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History in Detroit, Wednesday, Aug. 29, 2018. Franklin died Aug. 16, 2018 of pancreatic cancer at the age of 76.

Some readers' comments...

I've been humbled by many of those who have purchased Undertakings. I want
to thank them and all of you who have supported the project since 2015. 

 Thoroughly enjoyable book.June 25, 2015
Verified Purchase(What's this?)
A very interesting book. Whenever I had to put the book down, I couldn't wait to get back to it. Mr. Swan comes through as a very sensitive and caring man. He mentions the victims of 9/11 and Katrina, but does so with the utmost respect. He participated in both, and relates how he was sent to help out. They are all different stories and they are all pretty interesting. He relates the mortuary business from a very humane side and every once in awhile he relates a story with humor, once again with respect. Loved it!

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful
Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: Undertakings of an Undertaker: True Stories of Being Laid to Rest (Paperback)
Having been an embalming fluid sales rep in the past, I find the book to be quite authentic. It is an easy read. You can't put it down once you've started it! I heard Mr. Swan on a radio talk show and became very interested in his book I'm glad I purchased it. It brings back memories when I was on the road selling mortuary supplies and sundries. I recommend this book to anyone who is interested in the funeral profession, especially funeral directors!!!!!

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Enjoyable !January 4, 2017
Bellavora (Orange County, USA) - See all my reviews
Verified Purchase(What's this?)
I had a great time reading this book and I would like to read it again. It is full of stories commemorating life of different people and their families. It is easy to read and brings a smile to your face. Enjoy !

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Busy calendar coming up...

Wow....a lot of stuff on the calendar as I look ahead to fall...

return to L.A. Talk radio in September,

Wayland Public Library on Oct. 2nd...

Andover Historical Society on Oct. 23 rd...

Dog Ear Books in Palmyra on Oct. 26th...

Brighton Senior Citizens on Oct. 30th...

I may have to take November just to re-coup!

I have several new subjects to get to here at the blog....

one of which is discussion of Rod Serling and his

grave site in Interlaken which I will be visiting very

very soon..

Come back often, I love it when you visit me, and drop

me  a note anytime at!


Monday, August 27, 2018

A family tradition...still practiced.

If you've ever flipped thru the pages of an inherited Bible, and come across

a clipping of human hair, don't be shocked.  It's been going on for generations,

and believe it or not, is still practiced today....but why do we do this?

Take a look at the following:

“Locks of hair have long served as sentimental and tangible reminders of deceased or far-away friends and close relations. Among family, friends and romantic partners, exchanging a lock of hair was a sign of mutual esteem and deep affection. Upon the death of a loved one, locks of hair were often cut and kept as a way to both honor and remember the dead” (“Hairwork Jewelry,” FIDM Museum Blog, 5/16/2011).

In the almost four decades I spent in the funeral industry, there were many times

that a family would want to take a snip-it of hair from the left side of a persons

head to save for this tradition. (Removal from the left side was usually indicated

because that side of the person is usually not viewed in a traditional open casket.)

 It was usually done after evening calling hours when everyone had left the viewing

 room, and in advance of the funeral.  The hair sample would be placed in a zip lock

bag, or in some instances, the family would purchase a very small two ounce

cremation container to hold those most precious hairs.

 Was it and is it a strange request?  Not at all. I've also had people ask me to take

a fingerprint or thumbprint and place on a quality piece of parchment so they could

place it as well in the family Bible. 

The action has always given peace to the family, knowing that at least in part, the

deceased person will be 'staying on' to some degree with them.

Honoring the dead, acknowledging that their life was meaningful and appreciated.

Final pictures of the deceased? Oh yes, that is the subject for another future

post here.

So as  you think about making pre-arrangements for yourself or someone else

in you family, tell the funeral director what you would like included.

He or she won't think you are weird or dis-connected.  That person will know

that family is important...and keeping part of you on for others to marvel at

is an exceptional act indeed. 

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Still available and going strong..

For my new readers around the planet..Undertakings is still available
on Amazon and at Barnes and Noble....if you'd like a signed copy from
me to you...send me an email at: and I'll
let you know what the cost is plus shipping...

Lots of speaking engagements coming up in the next three months,
plus a return to L.A. Radio....

If your group would like a most interesting presentation about the
undertaking business, drop a note to the above email... I don't
charge for the presentation and I will travel within a reasonable
distance from here in the Fingerlakes!

Have a great day. SS

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Get well Peter..

My friend and fellow undertaker Peter Abraham of Bristol in the UK

recently had some minor heart surgery...he's out of the hospital now,

and I want to thank him on the web, and wish him a fast and speedy

recovery.  Peter, pictured here, has a blog in the UK much like this one, called

Confessions of an Undertaker. He also does a You-Tube program quite

regularly.  I sent him my book some time ago, and a few weeks past,

Peter did a marvelous review of my book, and I can't thank him

enough.  My sales in the UK continue very strong, and a lot of that

is due to his support of my writing, and he'll be first in line when

Tales Unleashed gets released.

So, if you are a newcomer here, and haven't heard his

can copy and paste this link in your browser:

His review starts at about 2 min, 11 seconds in.

Again thanks Peter...get back to work soon!

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

The story...

Many people have asked me how I come up with ideas for new stories.....

and the truth is... they just come to me. As I sit here at my computer station

at Loon Lake, I think back over the last fifty years about situations that I have

encountered or been a part of ... and those memories often generate a story

line or two for a new short story. In Tales Unleashed which will be published

before too many weeks, there are several stories related to cemeteries...but

that would be normal, considering almost forty years spent in the undertaking

business.  And as I drive out a country road, by an abandoned cemetery or

farm house, I think, gee, this would be a great setting for an interesting

short story. And so with all that in mind, and having some recollections of

life in a small town, twenty eight such stories have been created for the

new book. The new book will be smaller than Undertakings of an Undertaker,

it'll be a pocket size paper-back, like the ones we used to read as kids.

And there will be seven to ten pencil drawings I've made to accompany

many of the stories...all in all, I think you'll enjoy it.

Can't promise it will be out by Halloween, but we shall see.

If you like the unusual, the odd, the uncanny, I think you'll find it a good

read. Thanks for stopping'll see some postings on Facebook and

other social media when the book 'hits the stands' as they used to say.

Thanks for stopping by today.. you can leave a comment at the end of any

of my postings here in the comments section following the post.

Have a great day....let's hope for some sunshine for once! SS

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

What a sad time...


What a sad time we live in... when a young college girl is out jogging.. then

all of a sudden is gone, snatched, as if she never existed.

The whole nation has been looking for young Mollie Tibbetts for over a month

since her disappearance in mid July while she was out enjoying her day near

Brooklyn, Iowa.  They found Mollie, today, in a corn field.

A suspect has been taken into custody.

We need to pray for her, her family, and our country. The level of madness

in this country is beyond description, with little hope for an optimistic

corner to be turned.

It can happen to anyone at anytime, anywhere.

We gave up the sanctity of being safe years ago, and garner little hope

of returning to those years of innocence that we

all miss so much.

Say a prayer for Mollie. I was greatly touched by

her story.