Friday, July 26, 2019

From almost a year ago..

For my new followers here on the world wide web, I'm repeating this post that
appeared, well, almost one year ago. It's a story of my visit to the resting place
of Rod Serling, superb writer, creator of the Twilight Zone and Night Gallery.

It was an awesome day. I hope as you read the article and view the pictures,
you will be drawn into the mystery of Rod Serling... a man of incredible
talent. It's not unusual that his programs are as much watched today as they
were thirty and forty years ago.....

So, sit back, enjoy the read. And if you ever get to Interlaken, N.Y., a stop
and a 'visit' with him must be on your list!

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Visiting Rod Serling.....

I'd been planning the trip for sometime hour and one half from Loon
Lake here in Cohocton....but the drive was well worth the discovery.

Rod Serling's grave site in Interlaken, N.Y.  was an experience, let me tell you.

When I was a mile out, the anticipation grew, I was hoping I would not have
difficulty finding the spot, but the map I had spelled out the location pretty

Driving thru the gate and meandering thru to section G reminded me of many
funerals I have had over the years....the quiet, the peaceful surroundings...
being anxious to get to the right place.  The last turn to section G where he
is buried had some pretty good washouts, but my car handled them easily,
and I pulled over and parked. Grabbing my camera and tripod, I headed up
the slight incline to where the map indicated where he rested....

I found rows of markers with death dates of the 90s', then the 80's...then
I hit the 70's and I knew I was very very close.  Within thirty feet, a grave
that looked a little 'busy' with things around the stone jumped out at me.

As I walked up to the the grave, I was actually overwhelmed.  Here he was.
Rod Serling, master of the short story, creator of the world famous
Twilight Zone, followed by Night Gallery. Wow. I was finally here.

I had followed him and Alfred Hitchcock for years...enjoying their stories
and most of all, their surprise endings to their stories. I have mentioned both
writers on the back cover of my new book Tales Unleashed coming out this

As I knelt down to inspect Rod's simple 12 by 24 grave marker...I could tell
that he has not been forgotten. Many who traveled here before me left little
tokens, coins, photographs of Rod.  It's so pleasurable to know that others
have made the journey here before me... just to experience this guy and
the talent that he had. But what a short life, just 50. How much more could
he have written if he had lived to 70, 80 and beyond?

A flag also was present..he served in the Army, WW2. He had received
several medals during service in the Pacific.

So in the quiet, I sat my tripod, took some photos, spoke a few words to
this man, thanking him for his stories, in inspirations, and for his service
to the country.
Wikipedia has an excellent long biography of Rod. You should go there
sometime and read it. He had many

many talents indeed.

As you know, Serling was a big smoker...the following explained that
and his death:

Serling was said to smoke 3-4 packs of cigarettes a day. On May 3, 1975, he had a minor heart attack and was hospitalized. He spent two weeks at Tompkins County Community Hospital before being released. A second heart attack two weeks later forced doctors to agree that open-heart surgery, though considered risky at the time, was in order. The ten-hour-long procedure was performed on June 26, but Serling had a third heart attack on the operating table and died two days later at Strong Memorial Hospital in Rochester, New York. He was 50 years old. His funeral and burial took place on July 2 at Lake View Cemetery, Interlaken, (Seneca County), New York.

His grave site is easy to find, and is lot G, plot 1044. He has a simple 12” by 24” headstone.
Contributing factors to his early death included the fact that he was a very heavy smoker,
his favorite being Chesterfield ‘long’ cigarettes. He endorsed the brand and was rarely seen

without a cigarette in his hand, even while introducing some of his TV episodes. 

I wasn't at his grave site too awfully long. I almost felt like an intruder into this
space, a quiet and serene could here a pin drop. 
Thanks Rod. Perhaps I'll go back there another day. If you find yourself in the
Fingerlakes of New York, direct your car to that gate. It's a place that is indeed
where your imagination can abound, where time itself slows to a's
a place where the Twilight Zone has come to rest. SS

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Going strong in the UK...

The ever-present internet and the things that can be achieved.

My publisher Book Stand Publishing of Morgan Hill California

reports to me today that Undertakings of an Undertaker, true

stories of being laid to rest is still showing great strength in the

UK.  First published in early 2015... I've promoted it greatly in

the four years plus since it first came out... and surprising to me

is the fact that it just keeps on going... kind of like the Energizer

bunny I guess. If you are one of my followers in the UK, I thank

you very much for your support and I hope you are enjoying the


My continued thanks to Peter Abraham, undertaker in Bristol,

UK for his promoting the book...he did a super nice review for

me on You Tube a little while back.

A few announcements about Tales Unleashed coming up...summer

is usually quiet for actual speaking engagements, but I have a few

in the planning stages and will share them with you shortly.

Enjoy the hot weather... you know how changeable it can be on this

old planet... it's just not predictable like it used to be.

Stay well friends and thanks for stopping in! SS

Monday, July 1, 2019

'The best is yet to come'....

I'm not sure of the origin of this very and endearing practice... I performed

this touching 'rite' once while owning our funeral home, and once while

I directed at funeral homes in Corning, New York.

The rite involves a dinner fork...and goes like this.

A husband requested after his wife pass away, that during calling hours,

a dinner fork would be placed in her resting hands. The funeral director

naturally wanted to know the reason for such request.. and the husband

responded with the following.

"Well, Margaret and I loved going to every church supper that we could

attend. She loved the church, the friendliness of those in attendance.. and

how can you beat the food at a church supper?

Well, one day as a lady was picking up our plates and we waited for the

dessert to be brought forward, the lady said to my wife, 'Keep the fork...

the best is yet come.'  And we did just that.

Being of great faith, Margaret and I were both believers that there

certainly is life after death... and much like dessert after a glorious

meal..we both knew that after death.... the 'best is yet to come'.

As I said, I'm not sure of the origin of this wonderful and touching

practice, but it is a great conversation piece.

If your funeral director asks you if you would like something

very unique and touching for your spouse at passing....maybe this

might just be for you!

Have a great week folks! SS