I’ve had a lot of email in the last few weeks and
months about what’s coming up next in my
undertakings? It’s a hard question to answer.
It seems that I’m always racing with the clock.
I turn the monthly calendar page, and it seems
like just a day later, I’m turning it again.
When you’re in your thirties, forties, fifties,
you really don’t think much about your own
passing.. at least most people don’t. Then all
of a sudden that face you see in the mirror
is screaming at you like… “when did you get
so grey?”
So…..what’s left to do? Hopefully some more
good writing. My final years of being an active
director are over….maybe that’s a good thing,
not sure. My new found love of writing will
continue to hopefully flourish… with a new
book partially ‘in the drawer’, but not quite
ready to talk too much about yet. I’m hoping
it will be done before the end of the year and
hopefully you’ll want to read it.
It’s about… well yes, undertaking.
But it’s about the way it used to be, way
back in 1875. I actually think I was there
and part of it. Possible? Perhaps.
So stand by, stay strong,
love your family, serve your community,
and remember, you DO make a difference
every day, in everything you do... rejoice
in it!