Saturday, January 20, 2018

My gut feeling..

When the Beechcraft Bonanza with Buddy Holly and
others rotated off runway 17 at the Mason City Iowa
airport, it was 18 degrees.  Their flight to the Northwest
and destination Fargo, North Dakota would take about
an hour and one half.

Within five to six miles, the flight was in trouble.

A flash weather advisory sent at 12:55 p.m. was
never received by the pilot before his 1:05 a.m.
lift off.

We all know what happened next.

My gut feeling tells me that Buddy Holly in the
front seat probably insisted to pilot Roger
Peterson that they should get back to Mason
City immediately. But it didn't happen.

In the next 10 days or so I'll be presenting the
story here. It's chilling, even without the
18 degree temp.

Save the date: Thurs. Feb 1st, 9:55 a.m. eastern time
I'll be in studio with Brother Wease, fm 95.1 in
Rochester to talk about that crash of '59.
You can google Brother Wease for the link to
jump on and listen to it live!

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