Thursday, April 29, 2021

Start your story......


You've thought about writing that story for some time now...but there

was always something else to take up that time....or perhaps you just

didn't know where to start. Both are possible explanations for not 

getting at it.....but maybe 2021 is the year you get it done....or at least


So where do you start? One of the best places is to just sit down with

pen and paper, or at the keyboard and begin outlining the story you

want to tell.  

A good story, whether it's true or fiction will have a beginning, the

story, and the end. Some of the great writers will let you make up

the ending yourself....making for a real let down if you are looking for

that 'hook' that ends the read. 

Start your outline....put it down for a few days and go back to it.

You can change or re-organize the outline as you new

ideas come to'll incorporate those into your 

the outline is not set in stone. 

So, with that in mind.....why not start your is a relaxing

way to spend some time....and down the road...who knows....

share with friends....publish on- paper or on line.... so so many

possibilties. Have fun with it, and stay safe. 

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