Wednesday, November 28, 2018

The book's front cover photo

 Happy to announce today that my publisher Book Stand Publishing

 has chosen one of many many pictures I submitted to them for the front

 cover of my new short story book Tales Unleashed, and it's from the

 Five Corners appropriate is that! This was the little

cemetery just fifty yards from where myself, two brothers and a sister

use to play in from time to time as kids. At least two generations of

the Swans are buried there. I'm very pleased they selected this photo...

it will make Tales Unleashed even more special to me.  

They are working on the cover and back cover now and I'll share it here

 when it's completed. Tales Unleashed is destined for release on January 3rd.

Friday, November 23, 2018

Did he live in a time past?

Billy Anderson was a young man who kept having a recurring

dream about an accident that he had been involved with.....

not just a few weeks or years ago, but actually several

decades ago.

And now a new injury on the swing-set would puzzle everyone,

including his doctor, his mother, and Billy himself.

Time and space is a complicated realm we all live in.....

the mind and the body are inter-woven into a very complex

puzzle which we may not have all the answers for.

Read about Billy's touch with the past in the new book

Tales Unleashed....coming out in a few short weeks.

It may challenge you to re-think about where you are now...

and perhaps, where you might have been a long time ago.

Friday, November 2, 2018

It was February, 1954....

On a bright sunny day in the month of February, nine year old

Julie VanBuren would go on an ice skate that she would most

likely never forget.....

The image that appeared beneath the ice where she stood would lead her

mother to a search of historical records in and around  Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

McHenry creek had witnessed a tragedy...and now a visitor.

The chill that was felt that day would not be warmed by the bright

sunshine, it would only become more intense as the days passed.

You see, Julie's encounter that day on McHenry creek was one that

had been encountered by others before her.

It's a story you won't want to miss.

It's chapter 24 in the new book, Tales Unleashed, coming in a few weeks

from Book Stand Publishing....the projected release date is now

January 3rd, 2019!