Friday, November 2, 2018

It was February, 1954....

On a bright sunny day in the month of February, nine year old

Julie VanBuren would go on an ice skate that she would most

likely never forget.....

The image that appeared beneath the ice where she stood would lead her

mother to a search of historical records in and around  Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

McHenry creek had witnessed a tragedy...and now a visitor.

The chill that was felt that day would not be warmed by the bright

sunshine, it would only become more intense as the days passed.

You see, Julie's encounter that day on McHenry creek was one that

had been encountered by others before her.

It's a story you won't want to miss.

It's chapter 24 in the new book, Tales Unleashed, coming in a few weeks

from Book Stand Publishing....the projected release date is now

January 3rd, 2019!

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