Saturday, December 5, 2020

It's been 50 years....hard to believe.


It's a case that's still open.  March 1970, and a man in Andover, N.Y. on his way to work

 comes across a deceased male along- side a county road. But this was not an accident

or natural death....this was homicide....and for some time thereafter was recognized as

a gangland killing.

And so, fifty years has gone by...and I understand the case is still 'open'....but time

is on the side of the perpetrators at this point. I remember visiting the grave where 

this man is buried in Andover...and a few years ago there was discussion of disinterring

the remains to possibly do a dna test....a test that wasn't in existence back then... but

I'm sure the costs and time constraints have weighed heavily in the decision not to 

proceed with the attempt to identify. 

So... who was this victim? Was there a reason he was dumped along side a road

in Andover, N.Y.? Interesting for sure.....a final resolution may never be known.

The following two news releases are out there on the web if you do some 


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