If you check out my writings regularly, you will know that about
two weeks ago I was in a quandary as to why my book
Undertakings of an Undertaker was doing so well across the pond
in the UK. So, being the aggressive chap that I am,
I got on the web, found an address for one of
London's finest funeral homes; Leverton and
Sons which has a long and wonderful history in funeral service.
I wrote them a very nice note asking them if they knew why
my book is doing so well there....last month... very well...
almost doubling that of the U.S. folks seeking it.
I received a very nice note from Hanna Leverton, one of the
owners.... and she was as puzzled by it I was and could
offer no explanation. So, Sherlock, where are you when I
need you? The Brits like the book, and I'm thrilled with
that... and it's brought me some new found followers, so,
if you are one of those; welcome aboard! Think you'll find
some jolly good stuff here from time to time, and thanks.
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