Saturday, July 22, 2017

'We remember'...

I'm not sure why I was moved to make a posting about
this...but the week's parole hearing of  O.J. Simpson
brought back memories of that awful week in 1994
when two people were savagely killed in Los
Angeles.  Seeing and hearing O.J. at his hearing
brought back all those emotions of the deaths, that
'circus' of a trial that went on for a year... and the
awful division that it seemed to cause around the

Once again it seemed this week to be all about O.J.......a highly egotistical, self centered
individual who soaks up the lime light and
seems to crave for more.

I would have liked to have heard him say that
once he is out.. he would do everything in his
power to find those that killed his wife and
Ron Goldman.. but we didn't hear that...I
kind of figured we wouldn' I'm not
really surprised.

So, twenty years after the fact..the graves of
Nichole and Ron have no satisfaction.. their
headstones weather and absorb the light of
the days gone-by they never got to enjoy.

Shame. I'm hoping that someday, somehow,
we will all get to hear the real story...of how
and why it happened, and for the families of
these two victims... may they have some
relief from the daily pain which they must
endure.  Just some thoughts... let's not
forget Nichole and Ron.

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