Monday, March 18, 2019

Making the right decision...for yourself

More often than not, when I'm out speaking to different groups...

the most frequently question asked by those in attendance is;

how do I make the right decision about my final disposition?

And that is a a tough question. Ultimately, you and you alone

should have the final say what you want for yourself; burial,

cremation, or donation of remains for research/science.

With cremation rates soaring in the last few year to well over

50% and higher in most states, more people are picking this

option....but many people hate the idea of their or another's body

being destroyed by fire...and then what remains put thru a

machine which pulverizes what is left.  There are religious

considerations as well....

Some people feel it's the 'green' way to go....using less materials

such as wood, concrete, embalming fluids etc...all those latter

things buried to wither away over the ensuing decades .

The most important thing before one passes is to talk to a funeral

director you know AHEAD of time to get all the options...there

are many things to consider...full ground burial in a family plot?

Cremation and burial of cremains in that same plot or

scattering of cremains in the deceased favorite walking path, etc?

Over the years I have divided cremains in small keepsake urns to

split among  the spouse, children, grandchildren etc....that is quite

common today.

The hardest thing in the world is for a family to sit down with a

funeral director at the time of death and to be asked what the family

would like to do....and if the deceased never talked about what

they wanted for themselves... the task is even more daunting!

So, don't be caught in the dilemma....ask ahead of time, make

your wishes known, even in writing if you decide. It's best to

make your own decisions, than to leave the task to others who

really may NOT KNOW what you wanted for yourself.

All makes good sense right?

Whatever you have a right at the very end of your

life to have it your way....sounds like the Burger King commercial!

Have a great day...pray for a quick arrival of spring...we are due. SS

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