Monday, February 12, 2018

Today's unskilled labor force...

This is a bit off the usual topics that I cover here on my blog...
but, I guess I'll hazard the possibility of offending anyone... in
fact, I think most of you will agree with what my pen delivers
on paper here.

My 'rant' I guess you call it.. is the era of untrained or unskilled
employees we as the general public have to deal with.. amost
daily it seems.

Consider the following:

Cashiers who have no idea how to give a credit, or change back
when you give them PHYSICAL money.

Next; the phone receptionist who can not direct you to the
appropriate department you have a question for, because
he or she isn't familiar with what you are asking.

Next; the postal employee who shoves half the mail through
the front door and out the back door of your mailbox, unconcerned
that half of it is going into the snow bank.

Next; the in store employee has no idea of what you are
talking about when you ask him or her where the
saw horses might be...."what's a saw horse?" is the response.

This is just a few examples of some of the things I've experienced
in the last few weeks. SAD is the only word that can describe
the circumstances. I'm guessing that one or more of three things is
happening. One, there is such a scarcity of intelligent
people out there looking for employment.. that the employer
just can't find a good candidate... or two; there is little or very
insufficient training by the employer before he or she goes to
work... or three; the employee just doesn't give a damn about
you as a customer, i.e., they only want their check.

I'd call it an epidemic of apathy...pure and simple.

Well, there it is. What are your thoughts? You can leave a
comment below.. would love to hear from you. SS

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