Monday, July 1, 2019

'The best is yet to come'....

I'm not sure of the origin of this very and endearing practice... I performed

this touching 'rite' once while owning our funeral home, and once while

I directed at funeral homes in Corning, New York.

The rite involves a dinner fork...and goes like this.

A husband requested after his wife pass away, that during calling hours,

a dinner fork would be placed in her resting hands. The funeral director

naturally wanted to know the reason for such request.. and the husband

responded with the following.

"Well, Margaret and I loved going to every church supper that we could

attend. She loved the church, the friendliness of those in attendance.. and

how can you beat the food at a church supper?

Well, one day as a lady was picking up our plates and we waited for the

dessert to be brought forward, the lady said to my wife, 'Keep the fork...

the best is yet come.'  And we did just that.

Being of great faith, Margaret and I were both believers that there

certainly is life after death... and much like dessert after a glorious

meal..we both knew that after death.... the 'best is yet to come'.

As I said, I'm not sure of the origin of this wonderful and touching

practice, but it is a great conversation piece.

If your funeral director asks you if you would like something

very unique and touching for your spouse at passing....maybe this

might just be for you!

Have a great week folks! SS

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