Thursday, August 23, 2018

Get well Peter..

My friend and fellow undertaker Peter Abraham of Bristol in the UK

recently had some minor heart surgery...he's out of the hospital now,

and I want to thank him on the web, and wish him a fast and speedy

recovery.  Peter, pictured here, has a blog in the UK much like this one, called

Confessions of an Undertaker. He also does a You-Tube program quite

regularly.  I sent him my book some time ago, and a few weeks past,

Peter did a marvelous review of my book, and I can't thank him

enough.  My sales in the UK continue very strong, and a lot of that

is due to his support of my writing, and he'll be first in line when

Tales Unleashed gets released.

So, if you are a newcomer here, and haven't heard his

can copy and paste this link in your browser:

His review starts at about 2 min, 11 seconds in.

Again thanks Peter...get back to work soon!

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