Monday, December 24, 2018

A Rose in the cemetery...

It was a cold morning, February 14th.....Bill Clawson grabbed

his old Konica camera and headed out of his Jeep and into the

Hendricks cemetery.

Bill loved going to this particular cemetery at first light as it

offered some outstanding scenes to capture, and he hoped

today would be no different. 

What Bill didn't expect to find was a young woman who

startled him upon his early entrance just inside the gate.

Bill was soon to discover that today's photo shoot would be

like none he had experienced before....

Come join Bill in his early morning photo outing in the

story; 'Rose in the cemetery', one of the twenty eight

chilling stories in Tales Unleashed, the new short story

book coming soon.

It might make you think twice about venturing out at

first light into such a tranquil and desolate spot.

Tales Unleashed, coming very soon.  SS 

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